Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Thursday, February 23, 2006
My very first post! Are you proud of me?
So I've done something I never thought I'd see myself do- I've become a BLOGGER! My friend S. has been pestering me for the past week so I finally caved. So far it has been relatively pain-free! Now the tough stuff- what to write?

I'll answer that question another day.....figure skating awaits
posted by angelina @ 7:25 PM  
  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger shauna said…

    Yes I am so proud. Maybe I'll print you off a certificate!

  • At 10:07 PM, Blogger Fluffica said…

    hey grammy dub,
    i will add it to my blogroll. i am always appreciate another form of procrastination.
    see you tmw
    jessica aka duchie aka fluffica

  • At 5:38 AM, Blogger hlr said…

    Congrats on the blog! tty soon!

  • At 9:49 AM, Blogger shauna said…

    Hmmmm. Is it Saturday already. Who was recently giving ME a hard time about you know what!

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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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'Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.' ~ Tehyi, Hsieh

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