Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Monday, February 27, 2006
An Interesting Weekend, I Guess.....
My Friday started off as usual, went to campus, had to get some data from the dude I worked for this summer to enter into SPSS, colloquium, and data entry till about 8 in the eve or so. So I went home, and Steve arrived with his cuz from Calgary- came in for the weekend to watch Steve's bro play hockey. So, whatever they went downstairs, started boozin....I went out to have drinks with Shauna and Karen and ran into two guys I grew up with, so that was great to catch up with them! They haven't changed a bit!

Go home, and by this time everyone downstairs was pretty into the sauce. I go down to visit with them, by this time some more people showed up. Everyone was pretty haywire, a lot of rye had been consumed, and steve's cousin kept bugging me in a 'Merv the Perv' sort of manner! It was all in jest cause I think I come off as kind of goody goody and I sometimes get teased because I get kind of flustered, but needless to say I still slept with one eye open that night! lol

The next day was hurting as I got very little sleep the night before and I got the day off to an early start. I entered data - I vowed to myself that I would get this garbage for Javed done this weekend and then could tell him to f- off if he kept bugging me to do work again. In the afternoon I went cruisin around town with Rebeka to put up signs for Seedy Saturday (sidenote- Seedy Saturday is on March 11th at the Anglican rectory along Spadina. Come out and swap seeds or get free ones, if you need them!). That was lots of fun cause outside of curling, we don't really get that much time to hang out with one another so there was plenty of girl talk. In the evening I hung out with the knitters to work on a top secret project. That was a good time too cause it's been TOO long since we all convened. There was goodies- and lots of junk food too!

Sunday was kind of go go go- I finally got that data entry done (and promptly broke out into a happy dance after it was done). I also had belly dancing and curling. At belly dance Joanie had arranged to have a costume vendor come after the class, and I caved- I bought myself the sweetest hip scarf ever made! If I ever figure out how to post pics- or how to even take them with my videocam- I am totally posting one. The fabric is this tye-dyed lilac purple, and there's three rows of silver coins and purple and silver beads. I absolutely love it!!!!! And it is so loud! You'll be able to hear shimmy and hip twist from a mile away! I was wearing it for a bit when I got home- gave stevie a little chuckle anyways..

We had curling on Sunday too to make up for a cancelled game earlier in the week. We're heating up that's for sure! We won 6-2 against what I would say is the most hard core team in our league. So I felt really good about that- and I am getting better with my take-outs, but I still need to work on my draw weight.

Ended off Sunday with a movie with Stevie and his cousin ( a different, less intense one). It was a good show, it had espionage, intrigue, and a very very young Sean Penn with the sweetest aviator glasses you'll ever see.

This week might turn out to be a pretty lonely one! Stevie left for work up north this morning, for two weeks. He was here for five weeks and I got used to him being around- I'm sure going to miss him.
I'm also going to miss the Olympics. I am going to miss hearing Katrina LeMay Doan talk about lactic acid buildup, BRIAN (sorry Karen) Williams' witty banter, and all those winter sports that I never watch outside of the Winter Olympics. I guess the one bright spot in my tv viewing is that the Simpsons will be back on at 5 on the CBC.

Anyway, this is a long post- I hope this makes up for not posting in a while (Shauna). Maybe I should use some of this energy on my thesis......
posted by angelina @ 6:04 AM  
  • At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kevin Williams???
    It is Brian Williams - geez wagner...

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger shauna said…

    Can't wait to see the scarf!

  • At 11:31 AM, Blogger Fluffica said…

    wow that is a busy weekend yo. you put me to shame. all i did was work on a top secret knitting project and moan and whine. heh.

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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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