Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Holy Lightning Batman!
Is it ever snowy out there! It's seriously going to take me a week to shovel out the sidewalks around the house. A very nice neighbour used his snow plow to do the main sidewalk in front of the house- I'll have to figure out who it is and thank him for doing that. If I didn' t have to go into campus today I would have stayed home, thank goodness my bro was in the city, cause he drove me to school. Walking looked a tad treacherous!

I had a conversation with a friend that gave me a very sharp reality check today- As much as I was hoping to have my thesis defended by June, it ain't gonna happen. She did the math with our mutual supervisor, and in order to defend by the time our supervisor leaves for a sabbatical to New Zealand, I'd have to have a complete draft by March 17th. I'm gonna work like a dog to get the brunt of it done by that day, but realistically I don't think it'll be entirely complete. Which is okay, I guess. If I can get most of it done by then, I'll have time for revisions and such before she leaves, and hopefully have a final thesis in my hands by the time June rolls around. Now, I don't know if other departments on campus have the same asinine regulation, but geography has a 'blackout' period between June-August for defenses, cause apparently it's too difficult to get committee members together over the summer, what with research, vacations, and all that biz. (I say if they make us wait to defend, they should pay our tuition over the summer, but who am I to judge?)

So, I can defend first thing in September, when the blackout lifts. My supervisor can do a teleconference, so that makes things much much easier. I was planning to be around over the summer anyway. And, New Years' resolutions are made to break, are they not? haha

I had a bright spot in my day though: Chances are pretty good, if I understood this correctly, that I will be going to Taschereau, Quebec, in May for some NRE stuff. It's in mining country, quite close to the Ontario border, around the same general vicinity as Timmins. Whatevs, it'll be another province that I'll have travelled to! Sweet....
posted by angelina @ 5:11 PM  
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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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