I got the final agenda for my trip to Quebec today. The workshop isn't being held in Taschereau itself, it's being held at a Forestry Research Station on the banks of Lac Duparquet.....sounds sophisticated hey? For sleeping accommodations I am being paired up with a woman I may or may not have met in Newfoundland, so that might be interesting. It's hard to control your snoring while you're asleep.
Lately I've noticed that my swearing is getting excessive. I can't complete a converstion without dropping a bomb, it seems. I know it isn't the onset of Tourette's. No involuntary tics -yet! I'll have to force myself to rein it in a bit...but there's something so satisfying about letting the curses buck! |
I totally hear ya gram. i swear WAY too much. and it is quite one thing to swear around yer peeps, and quite another to swear around like, old ladies and infants. parents tend to frown on that.