Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Friday, December 15, 2006
On the road again
It's going to be a long month of travelling. I have just arrived in Salaga for the weekend and the beginning of next week after spending a week in Tamale for the end of year review. I must say that it was pretty interesting. It was good to get to know the other SEND staff that work in other places like Wa, Cape Coast and Accra. It was also good to see the projects that are being underaken outside of the Eastern Corridor project (the one I'm working under).

It was also a very interesting look at organizational culture! Some of the arguments were very interesting to say the least, but very draining, and I didn't even take part in half of the discussions!

Chief was there, and I was able to have dinner with him on Sunday night after arriving in Tamale. It was a good visit, and it sounds like he wants to replicate the HIV/AIDS survey I'm doing, in Liberia, where SEND is starting to do work. I am not sure what that means for my contract renewal for the next six months, but I may be doing some more travelling, we'll see!

Cassandra, Banahene's girlfriend also came up to Tamale, and while it was good to visit with her, I felt bad because we were in meetings all day, and she was bored, and can get very clingy. So the evenings were spent with her, although at times there were other things I wanted to do, like have some quality time with the world wide web, haha.

The one night we went to the Big Byte, the bar at the STC bus station, and I had a blast. There was me, Cassandra, Banahene, Offei, Imoro, Jeanine, Raymond and I, and Imoro, Cassandra and I were cutting up a serious rug. I would upload pics, but I've discovered that the connections here are too slow for me to upload anything, seriously. I'll try doing it in Accra or send a disc of pics home for you to share amongst yourselves.

I can't believe that it's only ten days until Christmas. I think I am still going into Accra for Christmas, granted I can either get a ride with Reverend Bakar or get a bus ticket (and a room at a guesthouse). It doesn't really matter to me, because Christmas in Kpandai will be fun as well. But then I'll have an angry Cassandra to deal with!

So far Salaga has been good, I hung with Jeanine at the bar she takes her meals with, and visited with the owners. I walked around town, and got called baturia (white lady in Hausa). Last night at the guesthouse I'm staying at, I met a missionary from California who is based in Kumasi, but comes to Salaga about once a month. Imoro drove me to the office today on his motobike, and scared the hell out of me because he was driving so fast! And tomorrow I'll probably come to the office again and do some serious internet searching for my study. That's all for now, over and out!
posted by angelina @ 6:51 AM  
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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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