Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Monday, September 11, 2006
update i can't post pics right now and the shift key sticks. so no caps and no pics for now..

right now i am in the cca office, that's the canadian co-operative association for all you non co-op folks. we just got back into ottawa from our week of training out at stillwaters wildnerness retreat.

there were no telephone or internet connections out there, so i wasn't able to get in touch with some of you, my apologies.

training at the camp went very well- we learned many things about acculturating, about the foundations, and about the countries. the food was awesome and very very healthy. it was almost too healthy- it kind of cleaned me out a bit, hahah

we are supposed to be on the plane in three hours, eeek! i am still excited but scared at the same time.

today has been so rushed- i will update more when i get a chance to sit and relax at an internet cafe.

over and out.
posted by angelina @ 1:41 PM  
  • At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wagner I miss you tons already! I can't wait to hear about your first impressions of Africa. Hopefully they won't shun you because you're left handed. Oh yeah...and don't show your toes! hehehe

    Keep in touch - can't believe you're so far away.

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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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