Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Love thy neighbour
My roommate owns a 1970's van that has been described by a friend as a molester van, haha. It's beige, rusting in places, has dice in the mirror, but still a sweet piece of machinery. He often takes it camping and on road trips, and when not in use, it is parked on our street.

Last month he took it camping and when he came back he parked it in front of our neighbour's house on the street. It was there for about a week, and then he went back up north for work. The day he left I returned home from work and noticed that it had a parking ticket on it- for being parked in one place for longer than 36 hours. Okay....Stevie had it parked in front of our old place for months, and we never got a ticket which led me to conclude that the neighbour was bent out of shape that it was parked in front of their house. The battery had died in it, so Stevie got his brother to pull it in front of our lot. It was fine there for about a month, and then on Tuesday after work (once again, Stevie was up north), there was a handwritten note on the windshield. It basically notified us that we had RV parking behind our house, and that we should show some consideration and move the 'camper' back there. It was unsigned.

Okay, whatever. So the rest of the week passes, and again, after work I notice another note on the van's windshield. This time, neighbour dearest printed out a copy of the parking by-laws of the city, with the bylaw that parking for over 36 hours is not allowed circled in pen. By this time I have concluded a few things about neighbour...he or she needs to:

a) Grow up
b) Get a life and/or hobby

Who leaves anonymous notes? We're all adults, if the van is such a big deal, talk to us directly! It's so stupid it makes me'd be funny to see what would happen if, every 24 hours, the van was moved 15 feet up, then 15 feet back, across the street, in front of their house..... mmmahahahahahha (evil laugh).......
posted by angelina @ 6:45 PM  
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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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