Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Highway to Hell
November12, 2006

Let's just say that I enjoyed Accra very much, but I seem to have less than smooth experiences with the STC station in Accra. On the 10th I was on a dairy kick, and ate cheese, yogurt, and mutter panneer at the Indian restaurant. I think my body said 'how dare you overload on dairy! I don't care if you haven't had it in over a month!' because I woke up and felt like garbage. My stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots and I was running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. At the bus station the situation wasn't much better, and to top it off we had to wait in line to get our bags weighed, wait in line to get our baggage paid for, and the bus station is undergoing renovations. I think I lost about 4 litres of water just from sweating and using the toilet at the station, and felt like I was going to pass out. While I was in the toilet the last time before boarding the bus, I missed the porters putting the baggage in the boot, so when I came out the driver just said, 'take the bags on with you'. So, there I was with my bag in the middle of the aisle, my backpack above me, and my purse on my lap. Not impressed.

The bus ride took a very long time. Maybe it felt longer because I wasn't feeling 100%. But then, just outside of Kumasi, it seemed like everyone on the bloody bus, except Jeanine and I, felt like they had to buy huge bunches of plantains! And guess where they stored them? On the floor of the bus. So aside from my baggage, getting around plantain bunches turned the bus into a Survivor obstacle course.

We arrived into Tamale around midnight, so about 15 hours on the bus, and on the way to the guesthouse I got propositioned by the taxi driver. I don't know if I have 'gullible' written on my face, but situations like these happen too much. Jeanine never gets this kind of grief!

Today I still felt like hell, so I was slow getting up. I went to the G bar and had spaghetti mollonaise, which turned out to be this strange stirfry'ish sauce with green peppers and carrots. Let's just say I ate the noodles, and left what I could of the sauce. I also downed about a litre and a half of water. I am still feeling like hell, so I went and picked up some rehydration salts, ibuprofen, and I'm going to get lots of water and fruit juice. I am also going to track down SEND's doctor and talk to him.
posted by angelina @ 5:38 AM  
  • At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good grief ang, i can only imagine the state that you are in right now. you need some serious chillen time. about these proposals, i am sure that you must be responsible for them. are you putten out the vibe?


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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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