Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!!
Whew, what a crazy few days! I spent the last few days in Accra running errands and trying to keep Cassandra happy. I also had dinner with Chief the night before I left, and we went to the Dutch Hotel, a pretty swanky resort right on the coast. I had a beef burger and french fries, the best burger I've had in Ghana so far!

On Saturday I went to the STC yard at 7 in the morning to report for my bus, which was supposed to leave at 8 am . Well, it didn't. It was delayed for 6 hours, and we finally got to board at 2. But then we spent an hour in the parking lot in the bus, while the bus driver tried to make excuses for the delay.

The bus ride in plain terms was pure hell. The lady beside me took MY window seat, and then proceeded to load up every open space around her with gift baskets, palm oil and bread, so I didn't have room to stretch my legs out. Then my seat was broken, so if I leaned back, it would shift back into the face of the person behind me, so I spent 15 hours hunched over my bag, afraid to sit back. THe bus also broke down two times on the way to Tamale, and we finally rolled into town at 4:30 in the morning. The bus ride taught me a lot about myself. I am willing to forgo personal comfort in order to leave at a certain time. I vow I will never ride with STC again. I will sit on the back of a truck with chickens, as long as it leaves at the time it says it will leave!

So my New Year's eve was pretty low key, because I was so tired! I got to see Jeanine briefly before she left for Salaga, and then I met a couple of Seidu's friends, Abdallah and Seidu no. 2, haha. After a bit I called Iddi, my taxi driver, lol, and he took me into the centre of town. Then I met David, a teacher in Gusheigu, for lunch, then I was invited to a passing out ceremony by the man who helped me find my antibiotics when my leg was all gross. That was a lot of fun, everyone was dressed so nicely because it was Saalah, and there was lots of music and dancing. After that Iddi took me around Tamale a bit, I got to see the stadium and the waterworks area, and the big Catholic church and some other things. After that I went back to the guesthouse, and then I talked on the phone a bit, but then Seidu no. 2 surprised me by showing up at my room and inviting me for a drink. That was nice, but lame ol' me, after the drink I went back to my room and promptly went to sleep, until Jeanine called me at midnight, half snapped, lol, to wish me a happy new year.

Today I met Barry for breakfast and he's been accompanying me through the market so I could buy some more things. And that's about it! Hopefully I'll be on the Kpandai bus by this afternoon, and in town by 9. Over and out.
posted by angelina @ 2:36 AM  
  • At 6:22 PM, Blogger shauna said…

    Happy New Year Ang!!!

    Seems like the bus trips are your favourite thing about living there!

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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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