Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Sunday, March 26, 2006
It's been a while
Sorry for not posting for so long- it's been a long week and I've been going crazy!

Only after about 5 million emails between Dwayne, Karla and the travel lady, we finally got our flights to England settled. We're leaving May 22- June 2nd. We have hostel beds booked for the following week in London, all that's left to organize is the extra nights in Manchester, and bus rides to and from London. So it's finally starting to come together!

I had my interview with Erin Nelson of the Can. Co-op Association for the internship in Africa. I think it went well, and they're considering me for the HIV/AIDS and Gender program officer positions in Ghana and Kenya. I'll find out on April 14 so keep your fingers crossed for me!

There was an ESSA pubcrawl on Friday, and I went with Karen, the girls I curl with, and some other grad students. Things got a little outta hand- I had to leave the bar around 1:30 because I couldn't handle it anymore. Jagermeister and I do not get along, but it's so good! Jackie and I got 7-11 chicken and stole another person's cab. It was a good night!

I started watching my cousins on Thursday night. It's been going well- they're 16, 14 and 12 so they're pretty much self-sufficient, it's kinda sad....I have watched them off and on since they were little, and now they don't really want to do stuff with me anymore! lol. Well last night Ryan and I watched basketball and drank tea. It was good times. But now I think I am getting my first cold of the winter, and I haven't been in their hot tub since I've been here. Sucks. But they're going to Europe in a couple weeks so I'll be back here watching the dog. Might have to partake then.

I am starting to feel like Dr. Doolittle- the woman I worked for this summer has asked me to watch her dog, cat and rats from April 1-10 while she's gone to Vancouver Island. I've agreed on the condition I don't have to touch the rats- I have a little bit of a phobia. The good thing is her mouse died so I don't have to worry about him.

We start curling playoffs Monday night. We placed fifth overall which I am pretty proud about, given two girls on the team have never played before. If we win tomorrow at 5 we have to play again at 9 or something, then if we win that one, we have to play Wednesday I think. Tuesday night I have an orientation with the Open Door Society to start volunteering with them.

I also have to start finding another place to live. Stevie's dad is turning the gas off May 1. I'll probably end up just getting a place with Stevie, his bro and his bro's girlfriend. So that'll be alright, pretty cheap anyways. And I'll probably be out in Muenster for most of the summer anyway.

But this week I REALLY have to work- things are looming and I gotta get'er done! Hope everyone had a good weekend!
posted by angelina @ 7:37 PM  
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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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