Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Friday, May 19, 2006
It's my bizniss my biznasssss

Inside the TEMBEC sawmill- Taschereau

I heart Co-ops!!! Even the French ones!

Our flippin sweet dorm!

Lac Duparquet

Covered bridge, near Rouyn-Noranda

Parliament Hill

Nellie McClung: see below

Up in the Peace Tower, clock face

The Famous Five: chillin with the ladies

Okay, so those were some of my pics from my Quebec trip- I am a litte behind on my bidness, I had to get them off the camera so I'd have room for England pics! We leave Monday afternoon and I have no clean gitchies, among other items of clothing, so guess what I'm doing this weekend.....

I just got back from training for Co-op Camp, which was at Strasbourg Bible Camp, on Last Mountain Lake. It was a gorgeous place! I love that lake- probably because it's like home- gorgeous sunsets, and no trees blocking them. I loved the vistas across the lake, and hearing all the birds while we sat around the camfire at night. That's the prairie in my blood. If I can't see the horizon I get a little rattled....

Anyway, training was so much fun. It made me do a lot of things that I would normally not do around a bunch of adults. We had dance-offs, sang camp songs, played co-op games like shuffle but and co-op juggle, and gave out lots of warm fuzzies! Ask me what they are and I'll give you one!

We also had the opportunity to purchase the SWEETEST t-shirts ever! I am not going to burst the surprise, but if you know me well, you'll figure it out!

While training was fun, I am super beat. I don't do well sleeping in narrow beds with a bunch of other people ( I almost let this sentence go before I realized it sounded bad- to correct, other people in my room). Also, I've been trying to do what I can on my thesis so I don't have a mountain of shizzle to do Sunday. So, I did a bunch of re-formatting and some other easy stuff. I still have to make one map and look through some identity articles to flesh out my discussion.

On that note, I got word from Brett that I can go ahead with my defense. It is scheduled for June 21, 2006 at 9 am. And you may have noticed that it is on Carlson's birthday- one day before mine!!!! C-note, you better not have any bad juju following you around that day, cause I'll need all the luck I can get.

I doubt I'll post again before I leave for England so I'll just say YAY Co-ops!
posted by angelina @ 9:44 PM  
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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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