Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Monday, June 26, 2006
Aaaah, Kpandai
So I finally got an email from the current intern in Kpandai, Reny, and here's what she had to say about the town and the livin':

1) It's her home away from home as she's been there before the internship
2) No internet access but everyone has mobile phones- she gave me her number- so I'll be able to chitter chatter to y'alls too!
3) All there's to eat there is rice and fried eggs. In mango season you can eat mangoes off the trees.
4) She lives with a host family right now, but she has heard that SEND rented the house beside hers for the new intern (aka ME) and the Project officer. She also notes that it might be nicer because then you can cook your own food.
5) That the intern before her did a baseline survey among rural youth, and she's doing a baseline survey with schools, both on reproductive health. So I am either synthesizing both surveys and coming up with results, or I am doing my own survey with credit union members. Either way, she didn't get her job until about a month on the job.
6) Every two or three weekends she goes to Tamale to check her email, get money and chillax in the big city.
7) The weather there is more like the southern regions (hot but moist), than the drier northern savannah
8) Not much to do in the evenings, but like other places she does her hobbies (guitar), plays with her 'sisters' and hangs out with friends.
9) She did get a rabies shot, but not because she was going to Kpandai- she was wanting to volunteer with a group that worked with animals.

So, all in all I am feeling little less rattled about going to Kpandai. It's nice to know a little bit about it. Next queries on my list will be packing, finances, and travel to other countries.....

So my weekend was jam packed with excitement- and no work on revisions (meh)....

Friday night I hung out with Pinkie, Fluff, Pape and her cousin at Amigo's where I had the best margaritas EVER and some Nachos Grande.

Saturday I cleaned like a m0-fo cause my house was getting on my nerves. I then squeezed in a tan, some gossiping time with Jackie, and a quick nap before I partook of the infamous 8th Street Pubcrawl with Squeelers and some of her peeps. Pretty good times, I got pretty boozed.

Pape met us at Whiskey Jacks, and we headed to Jax where the cougars were out in full was friggin great!

Sunday I was hurting, and had to walk a few blocks to get my car. Then did nine holes out at Warman with Bek, her mom in law and another lady. My game is hurting too, need to work on that.

Some exciting news this week: my friend Danno and his wife Nara are home for a couple weeks. They currently live in New Zealand and I haven't seen them in 2 years. Good times ahead!
posted by angelina @ 8:32 AM  
  • At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you better make use of the sat. phone spanks, i am expecting bi-weekly updates. no excuses.


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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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