Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Thursday, June 22, 2006
You may call me Master
I passed my defense with minor revisions! The night before D-day I was totally stressed that I was going to be unprepared, and whenever someone would call to give me the standard 'good luck although you don't need it' phone call, I would start to cry. I was such a fusspot.

But as everyone else before has said about the ordeal, it really isn't as bad as you make it out to be. I prepared enough, and I think I competently answered the questions. I was called a pioneer by the 'Co-op Wizard' as I like to call him, because I looked at co-ops in a new way, took on an ambitious data collection project that wasn't warranted for a Masters' degree, and tacked a big question for co-ops now, membership. So that felt pretty sweet. Apparently as my supervisor told me, the co-op peeps want me to publish my results, and in the future, consider doing a PhD on this stuff. Not bad at all!

What made the whole thing easier was the fact that I have such awesome friends who came at 9 am to sit through 2 and a half hours of co-op talk, and my Mommy came too! So props out to Squeelers, Steviekins, Carl Carlson, Paaaape, Mummy, Zurocosa, Pinkie and Pamela for comin out. It meant a lot to me and I almost started crying over that.

I had what could be one of my last meetings with my supervisor, as she is leaving on sabbatical next week for New Zealand and won't be back until December (when I'll be gone). So that started the tears again.

Then, Stevie, Carlson, Squeeler and Pape went with me for lunch, and after Carlson gave me a 300 GB external hard drive as a present for defending and my birthday. Well that made me cry, torrential downpours for real. Cause that's way above and beyond the call of duty for a friend. He said he's never seen anyone get so emotional over a hard drive. I told him that it was too bad that porn was illegal in Ghana.

I had a good afternoon with Squeelers, runnin around gift buyin and such. Then Pamela came to my house and gave me the nicest journal and some super nice smelling lotions. Sweeeet.

The evening was a gong show. It was Carlson's b-day as well we all took off to O'sheas- the shooters were free flowing and of a wide variety. I had a liquor bomb in my stomach at the end of the night. We ended the evening by loading a bunch of peeps in the truck- hillbilly style, for real, and going on the neverending search for food. Struck out on chicken wings at the 7-11 so we ended up at Mac-D's. The sayings of the night: 'I would like a double quarter pounder.......and a 10 piece chicken nugget meal...AND You stole my fries!'

This morning I was a HURTING UNIT, but the magical elixr that shall be called Powerade, and ibuprofen soon made me feel much better. My aunts took me out for lunch at the Asian garden, and I ended up going to work in Muenster in the afternoon. Tonight my dad made me burgers and my granny made me my favorite cake- chocolate with lemon pudding icing. But then my mom came home and she bought me three different kinds of bar cakes. Diabetes anyone?

All in all, a good birthday!
posted by angelina @ 8:35 PM  
  • At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Angelina : Monetize and more Traffic for your Blog.- Congratulations, you are already the future, blogs they are here to stay, fantastic tool of publicity never view, interactive and penetrating in each corner of the planet. Meanwhile we will develop a strategy of marketing so you alone he/she will sit down to see the explosive results of our on-line mobilization for the announcements of our site, our task is to bring hundred of visitors' thousands to our site to transform them in hundreds of potential clients' thousands which we will guide through announcements to its website for the explosive sales.-
    Jaime L Lazo.-
    Director of Marketing
    Powerproduction USA

  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Zurocosa said…

    I'm so happy for you!! It gives me hope that the light at the end of the tunnel is not the oncoming train.

  • At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    your a heck of a person doin a heck of a job wagner. keep up the good work. good to see that you are pirating some movies on the HD. "Shut the fuck up Conkey." - Ricky

  • At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah power...your comment sucks, after "penetrating" I quit reading.

    That night was a keeper, are driver sucked, I think we saw every corner of s'toon. Missed the stolen fries part(funny) but that was because I was laughing my ass off with stevie's impersonation of....and then...and then ......annnnd theeennnnnnnn...

    Ahahahaha...peace out spanks

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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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