Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The elusive medical clearance letter
There is only two things to do when you're pissed off about something: blog about and wait until an appropriate time to rag someone out for said pissiness.

I had an appointment with my Doctor on Thursday to get a letter stating that I would not die from any known ailments while overseas. She said, no problem, she does them all the time, their office will call on Monday when it's ready to pick up. Sweet. So I arranged to stay in Saskatoon to wait for the phone call as I need to send all my essential info to Ottawa toute suite!

Monday comes, no call. In the afternoon I call over to the office and I get the answering machine, saying they're closed for the holidays. Well geez. So I arrange to work another day in Saskatoon. Tuesday afternoon I call again. The receptionist I spoke to didn't know what I was talking about and tells me to call back in half an hour. I call back- she says that I will have to get it Wednesday (today) because their typist is away. (and you needed a half hour to deduce the typist was away- why?)

So I am starting to get a little red, and tell her that I had to make arrangments to be in Saskatoon in order to pick this letter up. She apologizes and tells me that they will have it ready Wednesday, and that they are open until 6.

Well as of now it is 5:51. I left work early to make sure I was in Saskatoon before 6. I went over to the office and it looked suspiciously dark. Yep. Closed right down. The beatch is comin out tomorrow morning.
posted by angelina @ 4:49 PM  
  • At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am sensing alot of anger in these blogs spanks....maybe with all the shots they should slip a little morphine in to Zen you up.

    Itz all goodz babez, itz all goood...

  • At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    take'r down a notch flanger, she won't like you when you are angry.

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Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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