Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Everyone else is doing it, so why can't I?
So I decided to try my hand at some html and in tribute to my upcoming trip, I have changed my blog template. I tried to find something that says 'Africa!' and this is the closest I could find. It kind of reminds me of savannah and a safari. Comments are much appreciated. I have to still figure out why my pic looks so stretched out, but all in all I am pleased.
posted by angelina @ 11:53 AM  
  • At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i like it, it reminds me of my days in Capetown. The days were hot, and the nights were even hotter! wink. good luck on your trip, i may even see you there!


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Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
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'Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.' ~ Tehyi, Hsieh

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