Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Friday, March 31, 2006
Sexy hey?

Carlson sent me this pic, taken in October. I don't know what the hell I was doing but it's good for a laugh or two.

I now officially have my first cold of the winter. My nose is plugged up and I am starting to get that androgynous (?) voice that comes with a sore throat.

I start watching Wille, the compulsive humping dog, the cat and the rats on Sunday. So if you need to reach me, call my cel, or send up smoke signals, whatever floats your boat.
posted by angelina @ 10:59 AM   0 comments
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I heart Steve Nash!

Props out to my homey Carl Carlson for giving me a sweet surprise this morning. He came by my house, gifts in hand- a Spongebob Squarepants Crabby Patty carry case and Easter Spongebob keychain, both filled with candy! ahahahahaha! I would use the carry case as a purse to the bar but I am positive someone would take it- Cause it's so cool!

I pulled a collossal all-nighter on campus last night, got home at 5, got some stuff accomplished, more than I would have if I stayed at home. I have learned though that it is not a good idea to put four tablespoons of instant coffee into one cup. Not good at all. I am doing it again tonight, but as of now I actually got some stuff accomplished. I think I'll be able to get one chapter fully done by about midnight, just in time to work on another for a bit.

It may be because I have been watching a lot of basketball with Ryan the past few days, but I have developed a teensy little crush on Steve Nash, NBA extraordinaire. He falls into that category of 'not sure why, but you think they're hot'. Maybe it's the hair, I like them shaggy, or that he is against the Bush administration and not afraid to show it. I don't know what it is exactly but he makes me feel all tingly inside! lol
posted by angelina @ 5:05 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
You know you're at a new low when
I've noticed that I've been taking extra steps to avoid my supervisor and members of my committee recently. Instead of walking down the main hallway on 2nd floor Arts with my head held high, I've resorted to slinking into my office, going through the stairwell that goes by the smokers area. I get that scared/ill feeling when I see her out of the side of my eye in the mailroom, or walking down the hallway in front of me.

Today on my way to my car, which I had parked near Diefenbaker, I noticed that a member of my committe was walking with another colleague from the Co-op Centre, over to Commerce, just as I was walking out of the building. I trotted along the sidewalk into the Law building entrance, and looked out the windows until I saw them walk in the commerce building. I'm a real piece of work.
posted by angelina @ 2:56 PM   2 comments
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Adventures in Babysitting
I love that episode of the Simpsons where Homer starts a bowling team with Apu, Moe and Otto, and Springfield Elementary enforces school uniforms on the kids. The best scene is where Bart and Lisa come into the kitchen and tell Marge the uniforms suck- she wonders where they pick up that language and it shows Homer talking on the phone about how the team they played the night before sucked, they just plain sucked, they are the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked. Then he hangs up saying that his 'damn weiner kids are listening'. AHAHAHAHAH, I almost wet myself when that part comes on.

Well I am still watching the damn weiner kids- until tomorrow- and for those who know my Patrick/Vanessa ("weiner weiner") story, you'll catch the double meaning, haha. All three of them are pretty good kids, and I've been playing Mother Goose the past couple of days, making supper, getting groceries and doing dishes, and tomorrow night I have to take Ryan to a basketball game. They give me a little chuckle- they're the only teens/preteens that I know who watch the Food Network 24/7. I am not even kidding- I feel like I've developed an up close and personal relationship with the Barefoot Contessa, Nigella (bites) and Mike Smith (Chef at Home) haha.

It's kind of sad though- it'll probably be the last time they'll need me to stay with them when their parents go away-I'm gonna miss it! tear.....(((sob)))
posted by angelina @ 8:49 PM   1 comments
Sunday, March 26, 2006
It's been a while
Sorry for not posting for so long- it's been a long week and I've been going crazy!

Only after about 5 million emails between Dwayne, Karla and the travel lady, we finally got our flights to England settled. We're leaving May 22- June 2nd. We have hostel beds booked for the following week in London, all that's left to organize is the extra nights in Manchester, and bus rides to and from London. So it's finally starting to come together!

I had my interview with Erin Nelson of the Can. Co-op Association for the internship in Africa. I think it went well, and they're considering me for the HIV/AIDS and Gender program officer positions in Ghana and Kenya. I'll find out on April 14 so keep your fingers crossed for me!

There was an ESSA pubcrawl on Friday, and I went with Karen, the girls I curl with, and some other grad students. Things got a little outta hand- I had to leave the bar around 1:30 because I couldn't handle it anymore. Jagermeister and I do not get along, but it's so good! Jackie and I got 7-11 chicken and stole another person's cab. It was a good night!

I started watching my cousins on Thursday night. It's been going well- they're 16, 14 and 12 so they're pretty much self-sufficient, it's kinda sad....I have watched them off and on since they were little, and now they don't really want to do stuff with me anymore! lol. Well last night Ryan and I watched basketball and drank tea. It was good times. But now I think I am getting my first cold of the winter, and I haven't been in their hot tub since I've been here. Sucks. But they're going to Europe in a couple weeks so I'll be back here watching the dog. Might have to partake then.

I am starting to feel like Dr. Doolittle- the woman I worked for this summer has asked me to watch her dog, cat and rats from April 1-10 while she's gone to Vancouver Island. I've agreed on the condition I don't have to touch the rats- I have a little bit of a phobia. The good thing is her mouse died so I don't have to worry about him.

We start curling playoffs Monday night. We placed fifth overall which I am pretty proud about, given two girls on the team have never played before. If we win tomorrow at 5 we have to play again at 9 or something, then if we win that one, we have to play Wednesday I think. Tuesday night I have an orientation with the Open Door Society to start volunteering with them.

I also have to start finding another place to live. Stevie's dad is turning the gas off May 1. I'll probably end up just getting a place with Stevie, his bro and his bro's girlfriend. So that'll be alright, pretty cheap anyways. And I'll probably be out in Muenster for most of the summer anyway.

But this week I REALLY have to work- things are looming and I gotta get'er done! Hope everyone had a good weekend!
posted by angelina @ 7:37 PM   1 comments
Monday, March 20, 2006
Kay, not sure why my sidebar is all screwy, I'll have to look into that.

Any way my weekend was good.....maybe even too good. I have felt really tired and out of it pretty much the whole day, and it might take a couple days good sleep to feel normal.

Nicky and I made it out to Alberta, and we were able to visit all the peeps: Carlson, Sasha, Dee and Tanya. I drank lots of beer, got very little sleep, and did lots of driving! The roads fortunately were not bad until we hit the Saskatchewan border, then they went from pristine, to a flippin skating rink. The drive home was slow goin's but we got home alright.

That's all I am gonna say about that. I'll post some pics (PG-13 ones of course), when I get them.

In other news, I am getting my conference plans in order, it sounds like we'll fly out on the 22nd and arrive back the second. That'll give me an extra week in England- sweet.

And, eek! I got a call today from Erin Nelson- the woman hiring for the Co-op internship. She wants to do an interview on Wednesday this week! I have to get prepped for that tomorrow.
posted by angelina @ 6:25 PM   0 comments
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Oy! The weather!
We're supposed to be leaving for Alberta tonight- and the weather right now is the pits. I was just listening to the radio and apparently the department of highways issued a travel advisory for Highway 7, the one we're supposed to be traveling on. I have travelled on highways where travel has not been recommended; sometimes it was a breeze, other times it felt like I was taking my life into my hands, so not too sure what to do. Oyen is only 3 hrs away, so it wouldn't be too much of an ordeal tonight. But I think we'll have to play the trip by ear today.

Anyway I got my passport photos last night, and yes, china lily, they are totally bunk! I look like some depressed terrorist or something! hahah. But I don't care, the only people who will see it are the customs people, and I am sure they get some doozies! It's been bad, ever since I found out about England, that's all I've been thinking about! How long to stay, which hostel to choose in London, what to's been pretty bad! I am sure the rosy glow will fade soon, but rught now it is so exciting!

So, hope everyone has a good weekend!
posted by angelina @ 6:16 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wedding Porn
I wasted about an hour of my day laughing my face off at this article about wedding porn:

You know, shows like the Bachelor/Bachelorette? It's funny. READ IT! READ IT NOW!

Got my passport application this morning, but it took a phone call to a sexy Passport Canada techie to get the thing rollin'. He had a French accent and kept sniffling into the phone.

I'll probably get my passport photos (aka mug shots) done today. Hope i don't look to scary in them.

Today I am comin down from the good news, beer, poutine and whop-j's. Kind of in a mellow state.

That's all for now, over and out.
posted by angelina @ 11:10 AM   1 comments
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I just found out from Roger that me, Karla and Dwayne are going to Manchester England to represent the Co-op Centre at the next youth conference! At the end of May.

The Co-op Centre & SCA are giving us $2000 dollars for the trip. Registration fees are about $500 for the conference (including meals and accommodations). The rest is to cover travel expenses.

I am so excited right now, someone could punch me in the face and I'd still be smiling! HAHAHA
posted by angelina @ 12:07 PM   3 comments
Monday, March 13, 2006
The weekend report
Potluck with the geography peeps was fun and good times on Friday night! Lots of good food, poker and drinking games were involved. It made for a very tiring day at Seedy Saturday, but I had so much fun helping out with it that I didn't mind the tiredness at all- I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when helping out with non-profits, and just hanging out with community-minded people. I spent the day in the kitchen, peeling beets for the luncheon, chatting with the other community kitchen ladies, and doing dishes. I took some time to buy some really sweet necklaces at Seedy Saturday, I guess this lady does beadwork out of her home.

That night I fell asleep pretty much an hour after I got home- I felt like such a tool cause I woke up at 11:30 and I was supposed to go to a friend's b-day celebrations. I ended up organizing my recycling for about an hour and then going back to sleep.

Yesterday the Interpid decided she wasn't going to run for me- so I missed the last belly dancing class- sucks! We curled last night and annihilated the other team- 9-0 after 4 ends, and we only had three players.

I worked on my CCA internship application until about 2 this morn and shipped it off. Talked to Voellmecke and chances are really really good that I'll get an interview- apparently if you're from Saskatchewan you're automatically put down for one. Sweet!

This week I am starting to go into work mode. Pullin an all nighter tonight, probably one of many nights ahead until Taschereau....feel free to check in on me from time to time!
posted by angelina @ 3:44 PM   1 comments
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Attractive girls

I saw this cartoon and thought I'd post it....Anyone else have moments where you felt like the girl in the cartoon? I know I sure have!
posted by angelina @ 9:28 AM   1 comments
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Am I ever glad I went drinking tonight
I met the co-op centre peeps at the local for a couple pints- and found out some useful information about the CCA internship that I want to apply for. Last year the application deadline for this internship was in June so I thought 'yeah, if I start checkin things out at the beginning of May, I should be good to go'. This year the application deadline is NEXT WEDNESDAY. Yeah it really pays to check into the website from time to time hey? So how to get two references without sounding like a total moron? I guess I'll have to figure that out by tomorrow.

Whichever way I cut it, I am getting my application in next week. It may not be the greatest, but as the old adage goes, you never know until you try....
posted by angelina @ 10:17 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Oh nooooo!

I may have bit off more than I can chew today. I am supposed to have a complete draft of my thesis done by the beginning of May, and that's the same time as the trip to Quebec. I am also supposed to be presenting a paper during this trip to Quebec, which needs to be written. So I am officially giving notice that after the next two weekends I am cutting off all non-essential social contact. I need to go undercover for a while.....
posted by angelina @ 7:52 PM   1 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I want to pimp slap Mother Nature
Jeez! when will it end?

Today we had freezing rain, and then they're calling for more snow! Anyone reading this probably knows this anyway, but I am being whiny whiny. I just hope it isn't like this next weekend cause I really want to go to Alberta and visit my ass off!

Trying to find the inspiration to work on my thesis right now- and it ain't comin. I've been reading articles for the NRE project the past two days. I do feel much better about my thesis though- my supervisor feels that I can get defended by the end of June, provided I give her chapter drafts every week until the beginning of May. I'll get crackin soon I promise....

My fellow knitters and I transferred the top secret knitting project over to its rightful recipient today- I think she was pleased with it, and I must say it turned out very nicely indeed!

Got an email today from the Co-op centre. The next co-operative youth conference is in Manchester (if you're not a Manc you're a Wank) ENGLAND at the end of May, and the epicentre of the co-operative movement! I had pretty much wrote off going, but apparently the Centre is funding people to attend. So maybe.....? May is going to be a busy busy month if I do manage to get there. But jet setting indeed!

That's all that's new from my corner of cubicle hell....over and out.
posted by angelina @ 4:27 PM   0 comments
Monday, March 06, 2006
Misquoting Jesus
I read a really good article this weekend, really makes you think. The guy that it's about was a seminarian and Moody Bible Institute scholar until he started researching the Bible. Now he's an agnostic.

Hopefully the link below works:
posted by angelina @ 7:54 AM   0 comments
Friday, March 03, 2006
I have the shining...
I went into campus yesterday in order to a) get my curling broom and b) curl. I parked my car near Dief to go into cubicle hell and get my broom. I only put in enough change to last until 5, cause I was intending to drive over to the curling rink.

So I meet up with Rebeka in the office, I have a drink, and she suggests I just drive over to curling with her. I said sure, why not, I'll take the ticket for my car. So off we go...

We won our curling game- sweet! Rebeka dropped me off at the Dief drive/campus drive intersection after the game, and I have two options. I could go up to the office and drop off my curling stuff, or I could just go to my car. My spidey sense was tingling- I decided to go to my car- the Parking enforcement lady was one car away from mine- just in the process of giving this other car a ticket!! Talk about timing!

Karen suggested that I start up my own 1-900 number for parking-related advice. I might just do that...
posted by angelina @ 8:03 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Holy Lightning Batman!
Is it ever snowy out there! It's seriously going to take me a week to shovel out the sidewalks around the house. A very nice neighbour used his snow plow to do the main sidewalk in front of the house- I'll have to figure out who it is and thank him for doing that. If I didn' t have to go into campus today I would have stayed home, thank goodness my bro was in the city, cause he drove me to school. Walking looked a tad treacherous!

I had a conversation with a friend that gave me a very sharp reality check today- As much as I was hoping to have my thesis defended by June, it ain't gonna happen. She did the math with our mutual supervisor, and in order to defend by the time our supervisor leaves for a sabbatical to New Zealand, I'd have to have a complete draft by March 17th. I'm gonna work like a dog to get the brunt of it done by that day, but realistically I don't think it'll be entirely complete. Which is okay, I guess. If I can get most of it done by then, I'll have time for revisions and such before she leaves, and hopefully have a final thesis in my hands by the time June rolls around. Now, I don't know if other departments on campus have the same asinine regulation, but geography has a 'blackout' period between June-August for defenses, cause apparently it's too difficult to get committee members together over the summer, what with research, vacations, and all that biz. (I say if they make us wait to defend, they should pay our tuition over the summer, but who am I to judge?)

So, I can defend first thing in September, when the blackout lifts. My supervisor can do a teleconference, so that makes things much much easier. I was planning to be around over the summer anyway. And, New Years' resolutions are made to break, are they not? haha

I had a bright spot in my day though: Chances are pretty good, if I understood this correctly, that I will be going to Taschereau, Quebec, in May for some NRE stuff. It's in mining country, quite close to the Ontario border, around the same general vicinity as Timmins. Whatevs, it'll be another province that I'll have travelled to! Sweet....
posted by angelina @ 5:11 PM   0 comments
Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
Step into my mind, if you dare
Previous Whinings
The Closet

'Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.' ~ Tehyi, Hsieh

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