Four walls and a keyboard
'I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about.' ~ Oscar Wilde
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I am the worst person ever
This morning I dropped my aunt and uncle's dog Puddy off at the kennel for the night. I am heading out to Quebec for the weekend for my workshop, and no one is able to take care of him for tonight. As I was getting ready to leave Puddy started crying (if a dog cries), and struggling to go with me. It was too much to bear- I started crying as I left the place....I now know that I will never be able to own a pet, even though I find them annoying most times, I get attached too quickly!

So, talk to y'all after I get back May 1. Then, I must go undercover once again to work on thesis revisions!
posted by angelina @ 9:51 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
This getting in shape stuff is hard work!
I went to a spin class tonight and thought I was gonna puke halfway through it. I should know by now not to eat heavy food before I go to those things, steak and mushrooms was a little too much right before a hard core class! I guess is also doesn't help either that this is the first time since Saturday that I've been back to the gym!

My goal by the end of the summer is to be able to run a half hour without taking a break. So on the days I'm not doing the spin thing I have to get on doing some interval running. I did some on Saturday- walked on the treadmill for half an hour to warm up and then did another half hour of running one minute, walking two. I was bagged by the end that's for sure!
posted by angelina @ 7:10 PM   0 comments
Bi-Polar blogger
A friend, who shall be named D-unit, recently commented that my blog was amusing because things are great one day, and the next I am in the depths of hell. What can I say, I'm not consistent! haha....Well I was having a jolly good time the other day; today not so much. I won't have my chapters done before I leave on Thursday (which I have worked on all day with the odd hijink thrown in here and there), and tomorrow I have to work on my capacity paper as I have to present it on the weekend. I also have the mother of all to-do lists for tomorrow, clean up house, get rent ready, wash clothes, prepare for committee meeting, pack, pick up dog poop, mark two late papers (what the flip? they wrote the final on Saturday!), and so on and so forth.

My faith in Jon Stewart was slightly diminished today when I saw his interview with Tom Selleck on the Daily Show. He kept making fun of Tom's new tv-movie called Jessie Stone: Death in Paradise. Like, step off bitch! You don't beak Magnum F'ing P.I. Him and his short shorts will lay you out!

And you know, for an older dude, Tommy still has it!
posted by angelina @ 12:24 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The art of blogging
I get soooo excited when people update their blog !
posted by angelina @ 5:56 PM   0 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
Pottymouth McCrustypants

I got the final agenda for my trip to Quebec today. The workshop isn't being held in Taschereau itself, it's being held at a Forestry Research Station on the banks of Lac Duparquet.....sounds sophisticated hey? For sleeping accommodations I am being paired up with a woman I may or may not have met in Newfoundland, so that might be interesting. It's hard to control your snoring while you're asleep.

Lately I've noticed that my swearing is getting excessive. I can't complete a converstion without dropping a bomb, it seems. I know it isn't the onset of Tourette's. No involuntary tics -yet! I'll have to force myself to rein it in a bit...but there's something so satisfying about letting the curses buck!

posted by angelina @ 1:49 PM   3 comments
Bow Before Me! Do it now!
It's about 1 in the morning on Sunday/Monday. I've been rocking out to the likes of Barbara Streisand, Hall and Oates and Rot Box (aka Shania Twain), on Adult Pop Radio on the satellite. And, I've reached a new high. Methinks I have FINALLY conquered my data. I AM THE QUEEN OF MY DOMAIN! My numbers are saying something, it's positive and it's statistically significant. Chi-Square, ANOVA, and t-tests are just weapons in my arsenal. SPSS is my new best friend. Hey, it's not the two chapters I promised my supervisor for tomorrow, but it's something. Now that I've reached another level of geekiousity by going on about statistics, and blogging more than once a day, lol, I am going to bed.
posted by angelina @ 12:01 AM   0 comments
Sunday, April 23, 2006
So many things make sense now
I am half-assed watching Deliverance as I am working on my thesis. I've never seen it before.

'Squeal like a pig boy...eeeeeeeeeee! eeeeeee!'

Always wondered where that came from, and now I know.
posted by angelina @ 1:29 PM   0 comments
Saturday, April 22, 2006
England: T minus 30 days.....and counting!!!!!
posted by angelina @ 12:11 PM   0 comments
Friday, April 21, 2006
The infamous girl scout cookies
This afternoon I was working on my capacity paper over at my aunt's house, when all of the sudden Puddy the dog starts to go mental at the front door. Shorty after the doorbell rings- and it's the two cutest little girls you have ever seen. They were Girl Scouts, doing the rounds to sell cookies. So, the whole while they're saying their little speech, I am trying to hold Puddy back, which is pretty hard when he doesn't have his collar on. The dog is a bull- he got away from me and practially bowls over these two girls, who look more than slightly terrified, cause the dog is as tall as they are. And there I am, screaming like a banshee at the dog, who isn't paying attention and is sniffing at the little girls and their cookies. Eventually I get him back in the house behind his gate. I felt so guilty about the dog that I bought some cookies. They're pretty good.
posted by angelina @ 12:31 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Marking is sucking my will to live!!!!! Ooooooooh the humanity!
posted by angelina @ 9:14 PM   1 comments
Monday, April 17, 2006
Hope everyone had a nice Easter,

Mine was pretty good. Saturday I took Puddy for a walk down by the river, which was not the best idea. He's a pretty strong dog, and he was so excited at the beginning of the walk that he kept gagging himself on his collar. He actually puked a little. Then anytime another dog showed up on the trail, he almost ripped my arm out of its socket to try and play.

I marked prairie geog papers, and I am 3/4 done. I learned some new words that are actually words but I'd never heard of them before: exportation and importation. huh

Easter Sunday was a really good day. I went home and I haven't been home in so long, I think it was the beginning of Feb. when I was back last. There's so much water out there. There's a community well near my grandparents' farm, and it's totally under water. That's unprecedented.

Anyway, I visited my Grandma B. and Aunt Karen for a bit, got bombarded with chocolate, and then we went out to my Grandma and Grandpa's for Easter supper. That was good times, but it was like animal farm, lol, four horses, four dogs, and tons of cats. There wasn't too much drama, as is wont to happen with a big family, just Grandma showing off her 'pecker' mints. LOL. Everyone on my Mom's side was there, even my brother who never does family things! I played bocce ball with my cousins, and got an invite to my cousin Vinny's grad. It's on the 2nd of June, the day I get back from England, so I am going to try and make it, but guaranteed I'll be a mess.

So we get possession today on our new, pimped house.....sweet!
posted by angelina @ 12:10 PM   0 comments
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Quote of the day
Love yourself enough to not want someone who doesn't want you....
posted by angelina @ 8:56 PM   0 comments
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Happy Birthday Pape!
posted by angelina @ 6:35 PM   0 comments
Friday, April 14, 2006
What a day for a daydream....
Today I spent the day marking papers outside on my aunt and uncle's deck and drinking a couple Corona's. I also took the time to buy some new shirts, see Sasha, Blaine and baby, and paint my toenails. I have a slight sunburn, can you believe it??? I am so excited- the sun is shining! Can life get any better? Possibly, if Steve Nash showed up on the doorstep and my house was magically packed up for me......Ah well, a girl can dream!
posted by angelina @ 7:24 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Oversexed co-operators
I got a call today regarding my staffing the co-op youth camp in July. As a condition of me getting the trip to England, I have to attend co-op camp for a week, provide a seminar on one aspect of co-operation, and be the staff co-ordinator, or something like that. Doesn't sound too bad, but it means that I'll be supervising of a whack of teenagers with ragin' hormones. Props out to V-dawg who did this for TWO YEARS! Wow....

Anyway, I should be busy right now working hard core on my thesis, but I just feel blah. Why is it that when you are at your busiest, you crave booze? At least in my case that's what's happening. And, for some reason, this is the season when my existential crises occur.....'What is going to happen after I defend?' 'Am I taking so long to finish because I fear what comes after school is done?' 'Will I ever find 'THE ONE'? 'Should I paint my toenails tonight?'

Maybe it's like Fluff says, Spring offers renewal. And perhaps the thought that something- much much better than the state of life right now- is right around the corner.
posted by angelina @ 8:52 PM   0 comments
Monday, April 10, 2006
Some Pics From Alberta
Me, Dee and Tanya


Dee and Amos

Talia and I.

These were the PG-13 pics- some others weren't fit to post, lol.

What else to say, I am home now (YAY!), housesitting is done until Thursday, when I must go over to my aunt and uncle's house.

I should find out about Africa sometime this week. I also have to get the rest of my thesis written by Thursday and I am not finding the inspriation.

I don't have much else to say right now, no coffee running through my system makes Angie something...something...

posted by angelina @ 9:37 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The life of a hobo
I had an epiphany. The week prior I was at my aunt and uncle's watching my cousins. I was home for four nights. This week I am at Hayley's. I'll be here till Saturday. I get to be home for three nights, then I have to go watch my aunt and uncle's dog while they're in Europe. They're gone for two weeks. During this time I'll have to be packing up my stuff at my place to get ready to move. I am over at my aunt and uncle's up till the point when I leave for Quebec, then I am gone for five days. When I get home, my stuff will be moved into a new place. So, essentially by the end of it I'll have been living out of a suitcase for a month.

I wonder, if I wasn't single would people be asking me to housesit/petsit all the time?
posted by angelina @ 6:52 PM   1 comments
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Saying goodbye
Today I got a new student ID card. Not cause I lost my old one, the poor thing was just wore out. It doesn't work to swipe to get into the PAC equipment room anymore. Last night the dude that sits at the desk as you swipe in beaked me cause I'm supposed to have a card that works, and 'he shouldn't let me in but he would this time but I should go get a new card.' Kinesiology fourth year on a power trip. Jeez.

I tried to make'er last but she couldn't hack it anymore. I've had that thing through 7 years of school-and I wanted it to see the end of my years at the U of S. I look so young in my pic that people say they can't recognize me. The paint on the front was starting to chip off of it. Plus it was fun watching the librarians get pissed because they couldn't run their laser pen across my bar-code, then get all bent out of shape when they had to type it in! HAHA! I am so diabolical....

So, now I have a new card. The picture looks a little more jaded and scarier, the bar code and magnetic strips now function properly, and I can walk the PAC halls with impunity.
posted by angelina @ 6:15 PM   2 comments
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Rat Watch- Day One
I just got over to Hayley's this afternoon. Willie the dog is staging a hunger and bowel movement strike- he won't eat, even when I give him his favorite treat, liver, and I can't get him to go outside to go to the bathroom.

I fed the rats as soon as I got over here. There's nothing creepier than hearing them scurrying and chewing on the metal cage. UGH! I turned their light on for them and tossed some pellets in for them, then let them grab slices of dried banana from my hands. One almost touched my fingernail with it's claws and I dropped the banana on the floor. Double uggh! When I got out of there I was slightly shaking. On Hayley's list of things to do she has a note written at the bottom that if one of the rats dies that I should grab it out of the cage and freeze the body. Sorry, if one of them goes south and I can't get someone to come over to do it for me- it's staying there.

As for the cat- he's cool. Very affectionate and sheds everywhere. He and I will get along just fine!
posted by angelina @ 5:52 PM   0 comments
Me, Myself, and I

Alias: angelina
Where I'm at: Kpandai, Northern Region, Ghana
In 500 words or less: I am now done my schoolin' and you may all call me Master! I'm currently livin it up in a small town in Northern Ghana, and it's a blast being the only 'obruni' (white) in town!
Step into my mind, if you dare
Previous Whinings
The Closet

'Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.' ~ Tehyi, Hsieh

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